
Floating webcam watches swimmers

Floating webcam watches swimmers

Floating motion detecting web cameras…might need to do a MAKE version – “The system is being designed to detect and monitor the behaviour of beachgoers, and would alert lifesavers to people swimming outside a flagged area. The research is based on images from the web cameras of national surf monitoring group Coastalwatch, at Surfers Paradise […]

PictureCloud easy 360 degree photos…

PictureCloud easy 360 degree photos…

Img413 19Paul writes “An engineering student at Mizzou has developed a system that allows users to create a 360 degree image in real time using only a standard digital camera. Users upload several images taken around an object, adjust playback options, and can download or save their picture cloud for free. The entire process takes place in the web browser, and can be accomplished in about 2 minutes.” Handy for selling stuff on eBay or documenting projects… Link.

HOW TO – Make a Tilt-Shift PC Lens

HOW TO – Make a Tilt-Shift PC Lens

Dsc 0091.SizedDave writes – “When viewing this site it got me curious about tilt-shift lenses. Could be a nifty hack and save $1000 – “Here is another fairly easy hack that if you like it, and use it, can save you goo-gobs of money. Build your own tilt-shift lens. I know there are people out there who would love to experiment with a PC Shift lens, but the cost of purchasing one is generally prohibitive unless you plan to shoot professionally with the lens. (A nikon shift lens with tilt functions cost over $1000, BTW: The Nikon guys once took a look over this and said, “why would you do that to such a nice camera? We sell that lens you know.” I know. That’s the point).” Link.