HOW TO – Make Bandanna Pants
WhipUp points us towards this tutorial for making a breezy pair of toddler pants from a couple of easy-to-find bandanna handkerchiefs.
WhipUp points us towards this tutorial for making a breezy pair of toddler pants from a couple of easy-to-find bandanna handkerchiefs.
Julie K in Taiwan recreated an octopus puppet where your fingers get to be the octopus tentacles and wrote a tutorial. What a great project to do with kids.
Summer Pierre from An Accident of Hope recently discovered the great resource Wiki How and decided to illustrate the instructions for making glue from milk. The project was already great to do with kids, but now it is even better with these fun illustrated instructions. via Craft & Found.
Megan at the Brassy Apple blog (Idaho) whipped up this tutorial for making salad spinner paint art, a perfect activity for kids. I remember doing these at carnivals as a kid, but you can do it at home with a salad spinner!
Betz White has a tutorial on how to make a Super Foam-erator from a recycled plastic water bottle. Betz writes: In my quest for summer activities to entertain the boys I started reminiscing about a foam making toy I had as a kid. It was sort of shaped like a big plastic lolly pop with […]
LangLang Creations shows you how to recycle and refashion an old pair of jeans into this cute kiddie messenger bag.
Apartment Therapy ohdeedoh has a recipe on how to make your own butter which is a fun project to do with kids. From the site: …making butter involves lots of shaking which is really fun for kids. It can be tiring so the more kids you have on hand to share shaking duties the better.