Kids & Family

Model railroad morse code beacon

Model railroad morse code beacon

This garden railroad modeler built a morse code signaling beacon for his layout driven by a Picaxe 08M. He shows you how to design it to either flash or sound out your desired messages. The builder also updated he article a few years back with a more hardware-friendly Microchip 16F684 PIC processor. Morse Code Beacon

LEGO RCX blimpbot

Bzupke and his son made this amazing steerable blimp using the LEGO RCX. via NXT Step Using an RCX, 3 Motors, the Infrared Remote, Large trash bags, and lots of helium, my son and I created a steerable blimp. Two of the motors controlled propellers (made from a LEGO propeller with larger blades made out […]

GeekDad at Rocket Mavericks

GeekDad at Rocket Mavericks

In response to our high power rocket post, Ken Denmead of GeekDad points us to coverage on their blog of the Rocket Mavericks event, with some awesome pics. The first one above is a time-lapsed night photo. The author of the piece, Steve Jurvetson, writes: …the motor failed, and broke the rocket in two, but […]