Watch Lasers Cut Intricate Lace Designs From Paper
It is always amazing to watch a laser cutter in action, but seeing one burn beautiful designs into paper is truly mesmerizing.
It is always amazing to watch a laser cutter in action, but seeing one burn beautiful designs into paper is truly mesmerizing.
In order to produce something interesting to bring to a monthly hardware meetup, Barton Dring created custom laser coaster engraver/cutters.
This week, “Handcrafted America” is back, a medical hack saves lives, we explore the pros and cons of continuous belt printing, and more.
Model railroads are built in different shapes, scales, and sizes, from exact-detailed copies of railroad locales, to more fanciful designs.
Glowforge has come to Maker Faire Bay Area with exciting news.
If you are looking for something to hold your small writing pad, why not make a notebook cover that features a celestial object?
The Shapeoko XXL ships with everything you need to begin carving away except for your favorite stock material.