
Automated Grapefruit Slicer

Automated Grapefruit Slicer

Never risk a squirt of grapefruit juice in the eye again, thanks to Kevin Martin and Hyundo Reiner. The two created this automatic grapefruit slicer as a final project for their Designing with Microcontrollers class at Cornell University. Be sure to check out the incredibly detailed documentation for the project, complete with schematics, source code, and a thank you to their local supermarket for donating the grapefruit.

A Machine That Paints What It Hears

Check out this incredible Interactive Robotic Painting Machine by artist and composer Benjamin Grosser. The machine takes in sound as an input and outputs paintings: This machine uses artificial intelligence to paint its own body of work and to make its own decisions. While doing so, it listens to its environment and considers what it hears as input into the painting process. In the absence of someone or something else making sound in its presence, the machine, like many artists, listens to itself.

Speech synthesis in the year 1939

Speech synthesis in the year 1939

Featured at the 1939 World’s Fair, the Voder (Voice Operating DEmonstratoR) from Bell Laboratories created vocal sounds via dedicated noise and tone generating vacuum tubes. These sounds were formed into words by the hand of a specially trained operator seated at the Voder’s interface. In aninterview with CMJ, electronic music pioneer Wendy Carlos explains in […]