make magazine

Garden Pool in MAKE Volume 26

Garden Pool in MAKE Volume 26

Dennis and Danielle McClung bought a foreclosed home in Mesa, Ariz. Rather than filling the empty pool in the backyard with water or concrete, they turned it into a greenhouse which they call Garden Pool. Read all about this and many other inspiring human creations in the handsome and highly collectible MAKE magazine! This particular […]

Smiley Face Technologies

There are innumerable things to make one depressed these days. Oil spills, a dysfunctional economy, worsening political extremism, and an awful long-term environmental outlook. Fortunately for me, I have an antidote that keeps me upbeat, something special and beautiful that keeps me optimistic about the human condition, the human mind, and the power of thinking. […]

MAKE is Live on Flipboard

MAKE is Live on Flipboard

MAKE is now accessible on Flipboard and we think our content is looking pretty sweet in this format. It’s a really unique and handsome way to view some of our offerings. For those of you unfamiliar with Flipboard, it’s an iPad app that pulls content from Facebook and Twitter feeds (and the content that it […]

RFID Radios in MAKE Volume 26

In MAKE Volume 26, there’s an article about Matt Brown‘s clever laser-cut RFID radios, written by Thomas Wilson. The idea is to affix an RFID chip inside a laser-cut, flat-pack paper radio, and then pair the radio with a speaker base with an RFID reader. Each radio would be designed by a different musician or […]