Best of 2012: Make: Projects
2012 was a great year for Make: Projects, our living library of projects. Here are some of our favorites from the past 12 months.
2012 was a great year for Make: Projects, our living library of projects. Here are some of our favorites from the past 12 months.
Weekend Projects maker Tim writes in with his version of the MonoBox Powered Speaker, modded into a Liga Privada No. 9 cigar box.
Looking back on 2012, it’s hard to believe we’ve been producing MAKE magazine for eight years now! I remember working on Volume 01 back in 2005 and the excitement of launching something so new and renegade. DIY is thankfully a part of mainstream culture now, and we’re thrilled to see so many people choosing to […]
A look back at 2012’s Weekend Projects, which have included battery-less and battery-powered transmission to making our own bass guitar and a powered amp to hear it on. We explored Arduino using multiple types of input sensors, and breadboarded basic motor controllers and portable pocket repeat games, among other exciting projects!
Combine a remote-controlled (R/C) vehicle with some surveillance equipment to create your own terrestrial rover. Turn your rover into a game, explore the neighborhood, or challenge a friend to a real-world race over wireless video!
The MonoBox Powered Speaker is a highly customizable Weekend Project. Derrick writes in with his version, modded into an Italian cookie tin he’s had laying around the garage for many years.
Combine an Arduino, an ultransonic distance sensor, and some common components to build a classic “hot/cold” project. Once assembled, we’ll walk through the software “sketch” loaded onto our Arduino, and experiment with three variations of the “hot/cold” theme, all the while using the same circuit.