Maker Camp

Maker Camp: Lego fun!

Maker Camp: Lego fun!

Today on Maker Camp we dive into the wide world of Lego and all the things you can make with everyone’s favorite construction toy. But Lego is more than a toy. We’ll geek out with five people who take LEGO way more seriously than you do. We’ll meet three MIT researchers from the LEGO Learning Lab, birthplace of LEGO Mindstorms and Scratch; co-creator of LUGNET (a community of adult LEGO fanatics–you can be one too!); and someone who has your dream job: building models for LEGO in Denmark!

Maker Camp: Next Generation Toys

Maker Camp: Next Generation Toys

Toys are meant to be fun. Some are educational. How do you create toys that are both? Today on Maker Camp we delve into the next generation of toys and hangout with some of our favorite toy designers and makers to talk about their methods and inspiration. Joining us will be makercamp_300x250Ayah Bdeir of Little Bits, Bettina Chen and Alice Brooks of Roominate, and Doug Rollins, founder and CEO of Brinca Dada.

Maker Camp: It’s Magic!

Maker Camp: It’s Magic!

Today mark’s the third week of Maker Camp and this week’s theme is fun and games. We’ve got a double-header for you. To start things off at 11am PST today we’re going to spend some time with the incomparable Mitch Altman, creator of the beloved TV-B-Gone, a device that turns off any TV with the push of a button. Then at 1pm PST amazing Mario the Magician. Mario is not only a great showman, but he’s a true maker who builds his own props, tricks, and costumes. He’s particularly fond of Arduino and the magic he can make with it and his magic suitcase. Don’t miss it.

Your Projects

Your Projects

Here at MAKE we have decided to transform the Your Comments column into Your Projects. We love hearing what you have to say, but also love seeing what you’re making! These projects from our readers come from the MAKE Google+ Community and beyond.