Maker Pro

Maker Pros are the innovators that are designing tomorrow’s products and businesses. Stay tuned for the latest news on manufacturing, startups, and industry trends.

Pitch Your Prototype!

Pitch Your Prototype!

The MAKE Hardware Innovation Workshop, coming up May 14-15, 2013, has just issued a Call for Prototypes, in search of early stage products, projects, and ideas. Selected prototypes will be presented at the opening session of the Workshop, and featured in the Innovation Showcase on Tuesday, May 14. Each winning entrant will have five minutes […]

Made in China: The Case for and Against

Made in China: The Case for and Against

For three months I lived in Shenzhen, China, participating in a hardware startup accelerator HAXLR8R and trying to get my company Portable Scores off the ground. The goal was to learn about manufacturing in China, pick out some factories, source our components, and get everything ready for when we lined up funding. What I learned during those three months was not just how to do it, but that there are times when you just shouldn’t do it, and for a startup, it’s not just about money, it’s about managing risk. Our plan right now is “Assembled in USA.”

Will 3D Printers Save the World?

Will 3D Printers Save the World?

3D printers have exploded in popularity with promises of reinventing everything from manufacturing to entrepreneurship. While 3D printing has a few detractors and people who point out that it won’t live up to the hype, I believe 3D printing will actually do more than reinvent the way we design and build things. Ultimately, I believe it will dramatically improve lives in 3rd world countries by empowering everyone to improve their own lives.

Intellectual Property and the Future of @Home Manufacturing

Intellectual Property and the Future of @Home Manufacturing

Like it or not, the ability to pirate physical objects and functional electronics is nearly upon us. In this article we devote some time and space to thinking about that possible future, and what might be done to avoid it. Additive manufacturing makes the entire design process “think it up, design or scan it, create it on-site.” So where does the “research to make sure you’re not conflicting with anyone elses existing intellectual property” step come into play? Before or after you hit the print button?

The DeltaMaker: Robot Meets 3D Printer

The DeltaMaker: Robot Meets 3D Printer

The DeltaMaker, a recent success on Kickstarter, is an elegant 3D printer built on a delta robot platform. Delta robots have been used for picking and packaging applications in factories for decades, thanks to their impressive speed and agility. The DeltaMaker uses MakerSlide aluminum extrusions paired with Delrin v-wheels on bearings to move quicker than normal printers; the Z axis in particular isn’t limited by the low speed of a threaded rod, so it can move just as quickly as the other axes.

I spoke with the company’s mechanical engineer, Zack Monninger to discuss their success on Kickstarter and what’s next.