
5 in 5: Day 2

Day 2 of 5 in 5 brought to life a periodic tote, tickets to a sunset, a year in pictures, balls of light. In an impromptu celebration of old-time computing we got earrings compatible with your PC, AsteriskFTP, and thank goodness there’s finally BASIC for Twitter. Clink your glasses for a laser photo trigger, trip […]

Syuzi Pakhchyan on NHPR “Word of Mouth”

Syuzi Pakhchyan on NHPR “Word of Mouth”

Syuzi Pakhchyan, author of our first Craft: Projects book, Fashioning Technology, was a guest on New Hampshire Public Radio’s “Word of Mouth” program. You can hear the webcast of it here. Buy Fashioning Technology by Syuzi Pakhchyan in the Maker Shed today! This book demonstrates how to blend sewing and assembly techniques with traditional electronics […]

5 in 5: Day 1

It’s the first day of 5 in 5 and there’s a parade of projects. See the gang free themselves from Positioning Systems, choose their food decisively, sash a speaker, stick socks to a tee, mate software circles, print Mega Man, enliven their claw prizes, greet with robots, calm a TV, root for poops, Eco-nomize a […]

5 in 5

Ten ITP students are doing 5 Projects in 5 Days: “5-in-5 is a group event based on the New York University ITP resident researchers’ project “7 in Seven” that took place the second week of June 2008. The premise goes something like this: Do a creative project every day for five straight days, starting Monday, […]

The Paella Man in a Throwdown

The Paella Man in a Throwdown

Our pal Gerard Nebesky, a.k.a. The Paella Man, will be on Throwdown with Bobby Flay on the Food Network tonight (July 30). Gerard provides the amazing paellas for Maker Days at the Bay Area Maker Faire. World-renowned Iron Chef, Bobby Flay, shows up in Gerard’s back yard to challenge him to a paella throwdown. See […]

Maker’s Notebook review

Nice review of The Maker’s Notebook on Duffbert’s Random Musings: Ok… this might be the most unusual book review I’ve ever done. I’m about to review a book consisting of… blank pages. Ah, but what blank pages they are! :) It’s the Maker’s Notebook by O’Reilly Publishing and the staff at MAKE magazine. I was […]