
Loofahs + plastic = sustainable building

Elsa Zaldívar just won a Rolex award for her work turning loofahs, a sponge-like cucumber that I thought grew underwater but apparently doesn’t, and recycled plastic into a sustainable building material: You can read more on the awards page here. I eagerly await the promised how-to video; any readers able to find her specific recipes […]

Materials: sheet goods

Materials: sheet goods

We all need materials to make things with, right? Well here is a basic list of a lot of the materials that might be good for making or crafting projects. This list is not intended to be a final list, but rather a starter list. Sources for purchasing these materials were intentionally left out, because […]

Engineering resource site

Engineering resource site

While doing research on a Make: Books project, I came across this awesome site of engineering information covering materials, design, processes, engineering formulas and math, all sorts of delectable goodies. The site has the unfortunate name eFunda (I thought it was an online lender or something). It stands for “Engineering Fundamentals.” EFunda prides themselves on […]