Maker Faire Loves Robots
Maker Faire loves robots. Don’t you? Here are just a fraction of the robotic exhibits, presenters and performers at World Maker Faire 2013. Robots for kids! Aerial Drones, Robotic Art, Humanoid Robots, and more.
Maker Faire loves robots. Don’t you? Here are just a fraction of the robotic exhibits, presenters and performers at World Maker Faire 2013. Robots for kids! Aerial Drones, Robotic Art, Humanoid Robots, and more.
Mathematica creator Stephen Wolfram gave a talk at World Maker Faire New York 2012, but his 13-year-old son Christopher stole the show by doing some Mathematica programming on the fly to control a quadricopter.
The emerging story of entrepreneurs using drones to provide marketable services is fascinating to me. Small businesses have been making money by making drones themselves for quite awhile, now, but I’m just now starting to see start-ups using drones to sell services. Aerial photography is maybe the most obvious opportunity—surveying real estate, covering sporting or […]
It’s being widely reported as the first time an electric multi-copter has carried a human being aloft. Germans Thomas Senkel, Stephan Wolf, and Alexander Zosel are the brains behind e-volo, a 16-copter with four groups of four blades, each of which is driven by a separate motor. The first human-carrying flight is reported to have lasted one minute and thirty seconds.