
Water Cooler Bottle Blaster

British company BCB has developed what is essentially a potato cannon on steroids. Called the Wall Breaker, this pneumatically charged cannon launches water cooler bottles at 984 feet per second.

Need to break through concrete in a hostage situation? No problem. Want to rip a giant hole through a cargo van. They have you covered.

This was developed for the British military, so I’m not sure we’ll be seeing a consumer version available anytime soon. Impressive all the same.

Pneumatic Antenna Launcher uses Android, Free App for AR Scope

Pneumatic Antenna Launcher uses Android, Free App for AR Scope

We have covered Alan’s Biocca’s fantastic clearinghouse site before, and Brookfield, CT, resident Andrew Stoev’s basic launcher design appears to be a slightly up-gunned version of Alan’s CSV19 pneumatic antenna launcher. It’s a beautiful build, but my favorite feature is the quick-release mount he added for his Android device. Using a free app called GeoCam, his phone, when so mounted, becomes an augmented-reality aiming scope that provides GPS location, compass orientation, and (probably most usefully for this purpose) phone inclination data.

Old school intertubes

Old school intertubes

Photo from Museum of Retro Technology Years ago, I came upon The Victorian Internet by Tom Stangadge. It’s a fascinating read, telling the tale of how the world was girdled by copper wires carrying text messages to far flung places. The Victorian Age’s instant messaging system allowed geography and time to be compressed through the […]