
Low-cost telepresence robot

On this episode of Gomi Style, they build a low-cost telepresence robot. There are some “problems” with this video. It’s not an “autonomous” robot if *you* control it and the show is called Gomi Style, and they say the robot is made of junk they have lying around, but then, it’s made with the Vex […]

Expressive robot face

This from the Daily Mail: Jules has 34 internal motors covered with flexible rubber (‘Frubber’) skin, which was commissioned from roboticist David Hanson in the US for BRL. It was originally programmed to act out a series of movements – as can be seen in the video – where ‘Jules’ talks about ‘destroying Wales’. The […]

Maker Bundle #1: Parts for four bots

Maker Bundle #1: Parts for four bots

The Maker Shed has put together the first in a series of parts collections, called Maker Bundles. Maker Bundle #1 combines all of the electronic components to make four of the beginner-to-intermediate robot projects we’ve covered in MAKE magazine. For $20 off the cost of buying the parts separately, you get all of the components […]

LED eyes for robot plushies

LED eyes for robot plushies

This crafter/maker duo collaborated to create these glowing-eyed knit robots featured on the cover of CRAFT Volume 01. Ana knit the bots, João made the simple LED circuit. When you press the chest of the bot, the eyes light up. Ana Crafts Related: CRAFT subscribers can read the Digital Edition of CRAFT Volume 01 here.