
Wiimote-controlled robot arm

Here’s an industrial robot controlled by a Wimote. The builder writes: This is a small presentation of a university project I have worked on for the last 6 months. Using a real-time system the orientation of the Wii Remote is polled and sent to the Stäubli TX 60 industrial robot. The concept is stolen from […]

Mobile robot does CNC

By way of Hack A Day comes this hexapod robot that does CNC fabrication. Only recently has [Matt] started playing with CNC. First, he did a pen plotter proof of concept. Now The bot can mill 3D surfaces in polystyrene. It’s still a little coarse and will probably always be a bit imprecise since it’s […]

Maze-solving robot

Maze-solving robot

Bens shares video of his Atmega168-based bot mapping and solving a line maze – This was my first attempt at making a maze solver and I wrote the code from scratch the night before our last local robotics competition, so there’s plenty of room for improvment (for example, it would be cool if it could […]

Swashbot build videos

Crabfu Steamworks’ Swashbots have crabwalked their way from one end of the blogosphere to the other. Folks can’t get enough of the characterful little buggers. I-Wei got tons of requests to post more information about how the bots were made, so he’s posted this three-part build series on YouTube. Swashbot Build Video part 1 of […]