
3D-printable toy robot

This nicely designed robot, the MakerBot Defender by Thingiverse user DemonDust doesn’t pack any electronics and apparently its mechanical parts don’t work as well as one would like, but it’s nicely designed and even comes with its own fictional back-story!

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3D-printable 4-part sphere model on Thingiverse

Interesting dissection of a sphere from Thingiverse user VeryWetPaint. This “hemi-demi-sphere” is also cleverly designed to present the best-finished surface from the printer on the outside of the assembled sphere.

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Printable Rubik’s cube

Printable Rubik’s cube

This excellent but very experimental cube by Thingiverse user Nudel_P is part of the outpouring of uploads to the ‘verse since the announcement of our MAKE/MakerBot Contest. I just downloaded Blender and and tossing around some ideas — you should too!

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Socolar-Taylor aperiodic tile models on Thingiverse

Socolar-Taylor aperiodic tile models on Thingiverse

So the bragging rights I mentioned in Monday’s post about the newly-discovered single shape that tiles the plane aperiodically go to mathematician and artist Edmund Harriss, aka Gelada, who produced these beautiful renderings of the Socolar-Taylor tile in Blender and uploaded printable 3D models to Thingiverse. There’s more info and images on Harriss’s blog, Maxwell’s Demon. [Thanks, Edmund!]

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Ball-chain gears on Thingiverse

Ball-chain gears on Thingiverse

Vik from the RepRap blog created these printable ball-chain gears, and uploaded STLs and SCADs to Thingiverse. I have finally managed to print tiny little ball-chain gears that work with 3.3mm and 3.5mm diameter ball-chain and still fit on the NEMA17’s 5mm output shaft. The trick is to print the gears in two pieces. As […]

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Are atoms the new bits? The debate continues

Recently we featured a lively point-counterpoint post featuring Dale Dougherty and Joel Johnson debating the merits of Chris Anderson’s Atoms are the New Bits article in Wired. Now the Thingiverse blog is weighing in with this thoughtful opinion piece by Allan Ecker titled Atoms are not the New Bits. Yet.. What do you think, readers?

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