Butterfly Spline
Turn the flaw of “checking” in wood into a beautiful feature by stabilizing the check with a butterfly spline.
Turn the flaw of “checking” in wood into a beautiful feature by stabilizing the check with a butterfly spline.
Constructed using a two by four and a couple of hand tools, low horses are cheap and easy to build. Anything will do, but hardwoods like oak or hickory are best. When choosing your wood, always choose the clearest and straightest lumber available. The most important element is line connecting. Working both sides at an […]
Make this easy hot-wire foam cutter and reuse leftover EPS foam to create treasures from trash.
In our consumer society, most materials are discarded once they become old or obsolete. Many of these rejects have a hidden beauty that can be brought back to life in a new form; discarded or never-used printed circuit boards (PCBs) fall into this category. A consequence of the high-tech bubble bust of a few years […]
Create your own router attachment for cutting circular disks from, or boring circular holes in, sheet stock.
Henrik Olsgaard, aka Henrik of Havn, has been proclaimed King of the West six times. Obviously the guy is deft with a sword — you don’t get to be King in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) without winning several bouts in the annual Crown Tournament. But his triumph is also testimony to his skill […]
OK, so it’s not, actually. Bulletproof, that is. But with 3/32″ aluminum sheet covers, nickel-plated steel piano hinges, and all-riveted construction, it’s a damn sight tougher than just about any other 3-ring binder you’re likely to encounter in the wild. Especially those crappy cardboard-shrinkwrapped-in-vinyl models most of us had to make do with as schoolkids. […]