Hot Glue gun & hot glue

Security Box

Security Box

This is a very simple box design using a small box (a shoe box or smaller works) with a simple lock mechanism to represent the opening of the box. When you get the code right, a green LED lights up and the servo moves, unlocking the box (or at least making it easier to open). […]

The Smart Greenhouse

The Smart Greenhouse

The Smart Greenhouse is based on the vision of a greenhouse that would not rely on any human adjustment while maintaining a perfect micro-climate for a particular crop being cultivated inside. In other words, ideally this greenhouse could be left for a year in any (reasonable) climate and the seeds that were meant to grow […]

Laser Lissajous with Audio Sync

Laser Lissajous with Audio Sync

This project uses a Freeduino (Arduino clone) microcontroller, Python code, a couple of motors with attached mirrors, and a laser pointer to create patterns (Lissajous Figures) that are in sync with audio played from a computer. Objective The basic idea here is to create some laser patterns that are in sync with music (or any […]

The 1933 FrankenCam

The 1933 FrankenCam

I’ve owned this 1933 Ensign Pocket 20 camera for 37 years and not taken one single solitary picture on it. Is it possible I could somehow repurpose it to take digital pictures? In this guide you will learn how to take an old bellows camera and turn the lens into something you can fit to […]

Light Up Halloween

Light Up Halloween

You can use infrared diodes to light up your people when you get close to them. When your transmitter activates their detector their lights light up, and their transmitter lights up yours. When someone touches your magic spot (your detector) your spot lights up and their thing lights up. It is simple and easy to […]



Kids of all types need an easy way into electronics or they will get confused or bored with it. Putting electronics into simple blocks that the kids can play with may peak their interest in electronics. A MakerMeter is one or more blocks of electronic components built in a way that the kids can play […]