Soldering iron

Homemade Terrarium

Homemade Terrarium

In this project you will learn how to make an Homemade Terrarium out of an old aquarium, CPU Fan, aquarium heater, a few rocks and cardboard.

Dodecahedron Lamp

Dodecahedron Lamp

People appear symmetrical, but even the most perfect human face shows irregularities if we compare the left side with the right. Perhaps this is why the absolute, rigid symmetry of crystals seems beautiful yet alien to us. Unlike DNA’s soft spiral, a crystal’s molecular bonds align themselves to form regular three-dimensional structures, which the Greeks […]

The BeatBearing Tangible Rhythm Sequencer

The BeatBearing Tangible Rhythm Sequencer

The BeatBearing is an exciting and intuitive way to make music. Move the balls on a grid, and you change the beat. Music sequencing couldn’t be simpler. Like countless other musicians, I use a computer to create beats and sequence them into mixes. Pointing and clicking with a mouse is fine for a studio, but […]