Wire cutter and stripper

Geiger Counter Kit

Geiger Counter Kit

Commercial Geiger counters can cost hundreds of dollars. Build your own at a fraction of the price! This easy-to-solder kit can be built in an evening and it works just like you think it would; clicking and blinking in the presence of radiation. Just follow the instructions here to build it and use it. Your […]


$10 Drawdio

These instructions will teach anyone that reads these how to make a drawdio with spare parts. It will cost $0-10 to make this little noisemaker. All of the parts can be obtained at RadioShack or any old electronics.

The Luna Mod Looper

The Luna Mod Looper

The Luna Mod is an easy and fun instrument that will have you making great-sounding loops in no time. Rather than sampling input like a traditional loop station, the Luna Mod synthesizes its own sounds, and you play it using two knobs and one button.