Squishy Circuits: The Soft Matrix
Make soft touch
pads and panels in
conductive fabric to
control wearables,
LEDs, and more
Make soft touch
pads and panels in
conductive fabric to
control wearables,
LEDs, and more
Surely you’ve been there: you need to capture serial output from a microcontroller or other device, so you reach for a PL2303 or CP210x or FT232RL-based USB-to-TTL serial cable (if you can remember where you put the damn thing after you last used it!) and…realize you don’t have the drivers installed on the computer you […]
This fairly simple device allows for smooth switching of colors while spray painting
deceptively simple, this sand machine makes you part of the art
upgrade your hand engraver with a solenoid system for a modern take on a classic craft
“Guerrilla projection, pioneered by artists and advertisers, has been increasingly embraced by activists in recent years as a new medium for delivering messages. The advantages are obvious: With a single high-powered projector, you can turn the side of a building into a huge advertisement for your cause, plastering your message on a spot that would […]
Build your first AI project using a micro:bit board and Google’s Teachable Machine