Getting Started with Intel Galileo Maker Sessions

Robot Hacks Sessions

Join the G+ Community

Welcome to Getting Started with Intel Galileo Maker Sessions! This 3 week program will engage teams of makers around the world to participate in making using Galileo, Intel’s brand new Arduino-compatible development board featuring Intel architecture. Along with a few Master Makers, we’ll host weekly live sessions via Google+ Hangout On Air. We’ll talk about the tools and techniques to build with the platform and we’ll share your team projects, culminating with a live show-and-tell of the most creative builds. Throughout the program, you can connect with other teams in the Google+ community to share your progress, offer tips, and get help. Even if you don’t have a team, we invite you to join in as we learn more about Intel’s Galileo.

Mark your calendars for our three live Google+ Hangouts On Air:

All sessions will be recorded and available in our archive on this page and on YouTube, but we encourage you to join us live so that you can ask questions and interact with other teams. During the live sessions, post your questions and comments to the community page.

About Maker Sessions

Getting Started with Intel Galileo is the latest Maker Session presented by MAKE magazine and Intel. This 3 week program is designed to engage teams of makers around the world to participate in making using Galileo, Intel’s brand new Arduino-compatible development board featuring Intel architecture.

Making and hacking: Live online events using a Google Plus community to bring together makers online and at physical locations for hacking and making. Maker Sessions are organized around a theme or a purpose – to look at technologies that enable new applications and to encourage people of all skill levels and interests to participate in the development of ideas and applications.

Hacking the hackathon: Bring makers together where they live and work – at home, at a university or at makerspaces. Explore opportunities to do something cool – something that perhaps nobody else is doing. Learn from master makers about an application area and discover cool maker projects.

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Intel Galileo Masters

Embedded system designer, lifelong tinkerer and maker, Clay Douglass has recently retired from Intel Austin and now spends even more of his waking hours in his workshop.
Computer scientist, inventor, writer, and musician Mikal Hart is a senior software engineer at Intel Corporation in beautiful Austin, Texas. He is the inventor of the Reverse Geocache puzzle, is a founding member of The Sundial Group, and has contributed articles on electronics development and prototyping to several books and magazines.
Seth Hunter is a Research Scientist at Intel Labs in a group called Open Design, which is focused on empowering creative makers. He’s a graduate of MIT Media Lab and currently a hacker-in-residence at Sparkfun
Michael McCool works on IoT programming models and prototypes for Intel. He has also been at times a university professor, an entrepreneur, a book author, a computer graphics researcher, an HPC and parallel programming specialist, and a maker.
Molmol documents stories with new media, moving images, robotics, kinetics and interactive sculptures. Currently, she is making projects with sensors and electronics, focusing on building sculptures and interactive objects that tell stories—or give good stories to tell.
Michael Shiloh is an educator teaching Arduino as well as electronics, physical computing, open source hardware and software, digital fabrication, physics, programming, and math. Michael is a visiting lecturer at the California College of the Arts and the San Francisco Art Institute. As a member of the Arduino team, Michael coordinates outreach to educators. Michael is passionate about open source hardware and software as an educational tool.
Tyler Worman is a professional software developer with interests in parallel computing, distributed systems, and creating connected devices. In his free time, he manages the rapid prototyping tools at the Ann Arbor, MI makerspace All Hands Active.