
Security Box

Security Box

This is a very simple box design using a small box (a shoe box or smaller works) with a simple lock mechanism to represent the opening of the box. When you get the code right, a green LED lights up and the servo moves, unlocking the box (or at least making it easier to open). […]

Electronic MIDI Wind instrument

Electronic MIDI Wind instrument

This is a six button model of a wind instrument with a force sensor powered by Arduino that can detect combinations of keys and play many notes through a MIDI device, such as a keyboard. This means that you will be able to play more notes with minimum finger combinations compared to a normal wind […]

Game Show Buttons

Game Show Buttons

In this project, taken from Charles Platt’s book Make: Electronics, we’re going to breadboard a fairly complex circuit using 555 timers and an OR logic gate. Using these and some other, common components, we’ll build a game show button system. When one button is pressed, it automatically locks the other one out, until the quizmaster […]