Anouk Wipprecht Wants You To Build Her Open-Source Robotic Dress
Legendary Hi-Tech Fashion Designer Anouk Wipprecht is back with an open source, 3D-printable system anyone can use to make robotic garments.
Legendary Hi-Tech Fashion Designer Anouk Wipprecht is back with an open source, 3D-printable system anyone can use to make robotic garments.
Discover 38+ projects and learn about the latest dev boards from Adafruit, Seeed, Sparkfun, Pimoroni, and more.
The time has come to announce the winners and give out some prizes!
Ask your questions of the RadioShack CEO and Chairman for tomorrow’s “Ask an Engineer” webcast.
Dale is excited to announce his return to CEO after about 18 months of serving as Executive Chairman of Make:’s board of directors.
Crafters in the Washington, D.C. area (AKA MY HOMETOWN) you are the lucky residents of a city that just launched Topaz and Arrow, a creative collaboration between Morgan Hungerford and Virginia Arrisueño.
Enter for a chance to win $2,500 to bring yourself and your project to Maker Faire Bay Area, on May 18th & 19th in San Mateo, CA.