
Tool Review: Drill Press Bottle Capper

Tool Review: Drill Press Bottle Capper

After a fifteen year hiatus I recently began brewing beer again. While gathering tools and supplies for bottling, I came across this handsome bottle capper. The typical countertop model (looks like a juicer) that takes up counter and cabinet real estate. This stainless steel capper attaches to your drill press. Instead of adding another unitasker […]

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Beer Wheel Drive Vehicle

Beer Wheel Drive Vehicle

No longer must those looking for a giant, 14-person bicycle outfitted with beer coolers look across the Atlantic for their machines. My friend, übermaker Casimir Sienkiewicz, (it sounds just like it’s spelled) has produced the first in what I believe will be quite a few of these.

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Beer Can Bot Has Devious Disguise

Beer Can Bot Has Devious Disguise

The diabolical “Can Bot” from YouTuber longjie0723 will wait until you’ve had one too many, then, at just the right moment…ATTACK!

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How-To: Wooden Beer Mug

How-To: Wooden Beer Mug

Becky Stern @ CRAFT writes: The rising temperatures and humidity in the northeast have me craving a cold frosty brew, and what better way to drink it than in a wooden beer mug you made yourself. Drean on Instructables shows you how to form this design, although you should investigate to be sure the wood […]

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How-To: Cast a solid ice beer caddy

How-To: Cast a solid ice beer caddy

Rob Cockerham–who has previously brought us spring shoes, a sweet Doc Ock costume, and How Much is Inside?, among other delights–wanted to serve a six-pack out of a solid block of ice. The block had to be cast with openings that would hold the bottles tightly but still let them slip loose when somebody wanted one. It took a bit of trial and error, but he eventually got the process figured out. The whole story is here. Rob hasn’t tried it yet, but he thinks, as I do, that one of these will probably float in a swimming pool fully loaded. Nice work, Rob! [via Boing Boing]

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Hacker Trifecta:  iPad, Arduino, kegerator combined in single device

Hacker Trifecta: iPad, Arduino, kegerator combined in single device

John Boiles, whose extracurricular exploits as an undergraduate at UT Austin brought us iPhone-controlled dance floor lights, R/C cars, and yes, even full-size automobiles, has since moved to San Francisco and scored a job with Yelp. His latest “spare time” project, with the Yelp Engineering crew, is KegMate–a keg-mounted, Arduino-controlled data-logging suite with an iPad-based user interface. Among other features, the system reports and records the keg temperature, tracks which of its registered users is dispensing beer and how much they’ve dispensed, and collects user ratings of whatever brew happens to be on tap. [Thanks, John!]

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