
NerdTV | PBS | Bill Joy

NerdTV | PBS | Bill Joy

Joy Here’s the latest NerdTV! NerdTV is a new weekly online TV show from technology columnist Robert X. Cringely. NerdTV is essentially Charlie Rose for geeks – a one-hour interview show with a single guest from the world of technology. This week, its Bill Joy, Sun Microsystems Co-founder and the father of Berkeley UNIX, explains why he was fired from the International House of Pancakes… Link.

Squid Labs: Suckers for Novelty

Squid Labs: Suckers for Novelty

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Great Wired article about our Squid pals! …This group came straight out of MIT, and its members don’t do guitar and vocals; they do patents and prototypes. They make up Squid Labs, self-billed as “a design firm that does differential equations,” and they’re already picking up the hits: solar panel driveways, swarming parachutes, a SourceForge for hardware and a comic book series for kid engineers. Link.

Interview with Roger Ibars

Interview with Roger Ibars

Sega Controls Panasonic Excellent interview over at Gizmodo – Among certain fetishistic subcultures of the consumer electronics world, there seems to be a common credo: “If it’s not hackable, it’s worthless.” Putting this saying to the test is Roger Ibars, a designer-slash-researcher based in London. Ibars’ work involves hacking into and “modding” vintage console game controllers and other devices such as alarm clocks and calculators. Link.

Natalie Jeremijenko: The WorldChanging Interview

Natalie Jeremijenko: The WorldChanging Interview

Njenk We profiles Natalie in MAKE 02, here’s another interview! From releasing packs of Feral Robot Dogs that sniff out chemical contamination, to teaching Yale engineering students socially responsible design, from creating pollution-detecting Clear Skies Masks for bicycle riders, to co-authoring Biotech Hobbyist Magazine, Natalie Jeremijenko’s work merges engineering, biology and art to explore socio-political hot spots along the fault line where design meets information meets society. Link.