Kids & Family

Excellent papier-mache

Writer/puppeteer Mary Robinette Kowal has an excellent piece on papier-mache. Papier-mache is one of the oldest forms for creating puppets and so a lot of people think that there must be something better out there. Actually, there are very few contenders. Done well, papier-mache is light, strong, fast, and non-toxic. I know, we’ve all had […]

Make cake in a mug

Make cake in a mug

Wired’s how-to wiki gives us “Cake in a Mug,” perhaps the greatest thing to come to the microwave since peep jousting: You’re working at home and your mind starts to wander to snack possibilities. There are probably some prepackaged, good-until-the-next-millennium baked items in your cabinet, but you’re in the mood for something warm from the […]