Kids & Family

Guitar building 101

Guitar building 101

In addition to his roles as composer, musician and recording engineer, Brooklyn instrument inventor Paul Rubenstein teaches high school students to build their own electric guitars and amplifiers. Building a functional stringed instrument can be a rich learning experience, involving a variety of skills – Paul’s classes even wind their own magnetic pickups! Head over […]

Duck Hunt lamp

Duck Hunt lamp

Fluffypants made this great Duck Hunt lamp and posted it on Craftster! She gutted the zapper, wired it up, made a cardboard replica of a cartridge for the base, and decorated the shade with fun foam. More: Nintendo Duck Hunt Sweater 3D pixel Duck Hunt, in real-life

Tinkering School on NPR!

Tinkering School on NPR!

NPR’s All Things Considered had a great piece on Tinkering School! You can listen online here. Software engineer Gever Tulley felt that his friends who were parents were overprotective of their children. So he started the Tinkering School, a summer camp that encourages kids to play with fire, throw spears and take risks. More: Tinkering […]