
24 hours of Android

Yesterday I bought the first cellphone of my life. I had been using the junker phone that my niece lost two years ago when she was in 7th grade. It resurfaced when she finally cleaned her closet. The phone was already on the plan and they had replaced it Tmobile was going to charge to […]

Learning from sustainable energy

Learning from sustainable energy

There are lots of reasons why we should be weaning our society off of carbon based fossil fuels and moving to sustainable, renewable fuels. Pick which ever reason you like and get to work: Security: Do we need to barricade solar panels and wind mills like nuclear power plants? Decentralized power: If a corporation owns […]

Reflections on Tinkering

Reflections on Tinkering

AskPang has an thoughtful reflection on Tinkering as a Mode of Knowledge: Production in the Digital Age, a conference presented by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Tinkering isn’t so much a specific set of technical skills: there tends to be a pretty instrumental view of knowledge. You pick up just enough knowledge […]