
Tour de Sol (photos)

Tour de Sol (photos)

MAKE Flickr photo pool member Csc934 posted up some great photos from last month’s Tour de Sol – “Originally concieved as a solar car event, it has morphed into something of an alternative fuel vehicle festival. Electric cars and electric assist bikes were very well represented. There were lots of hybrids and at least one […]

Old school – DIY chopper bike

Old school – DIY chopper bike

MAKE Flickr photo pool member Pekar isn’t going to let some tall bike pedal away with the glory, oh no, here’s an old school chopper bike – “My chopper bike. Forks are extended the low tech way, by hammering them on over the existing fork, with some epoxy thrown in for good measure. Another view […]

Homemade tallbike

Homemade tallbike

As of right now, MAKE Flickr photo pool member lasertotheface is going to win something nifty from MAKE, he posted up a tall bike. You can handily beat out this tall bike, just post your modded/hacked/interesting bicycle in the MAKE Flickr photo pool – Link. Related: MAKE your way about – Link.