


Use a simple mortise-and-tenon joint to make these fine looking shop horses that you will use every day and will last a lifetime.

Harvesting Chemicals from a Battery

Harvesting Chemicals from a Battery

This tutorial shows how to take apart a spent zinc-carbon dry cell of the common household type. Besides making for an interesting object lesson in electrochemistry, taking apart a spent D-cell, for instance, allows you to salvage many materials which can be of use to amateur chemists–materials which would otherwise probably end up in a […]

Instant Ice Cream with a Dry Ice Bath

Instant Ice Cream with a Dry Ice Bath

Making ice cream with cryogens stronger than water ice is a fairly common chemistry demonstration stunt. The ideal way to do it is with liquid nitrogen, which is poured directly into the ice cream mixture, with stirring, and causes it to set up in about 10 minutes. Liquid nitrogen, however, can be rather difficult to […]