Masking tape

Luminch One

Luminch One

Luminch One is an interactive lamp controlled by the movements of your hand. Wave your hand over it to turn it on or off, or move your hand up or down above it to change its brightness. Inside the lamp, an Arduino hooked to an infrared distance sensor tracks your hand and sets the state […]

Add Volume, Jack

Add Volume, Jack

Many cheap, fun sonic and musical toys have built-in speakers and no output jack. This limits their volume, unless you constantly hold them up to a microphone. Here’s how to mod these devices so you can plug them in, adjust their volume, and rock out. The simplest way to install an output jack is to […]

Portrait Window

Portrait Window

This is a project that celebrates friends. The core group. The people you can count on for a ride to the airport at 6:30 in the morning, or to help you drag a new sofa up three flights of stairs. The people who allowed themselves to be seen with you in public through some of […]

Mix-and-Match Greeting Cards

Mix-and-Match Greeting Cards

Here are 3 simple paper-crafting techniques you can combine and recombine to create gorgeous holiday cards. I’ve used machine sewing, heat embossing, and paper embroidery to make 2 very different sets of greetings. What other variations can you come up with?

Ping Pong Ball Shooter

Ping Pong Ball Shooter

This project was created by Ichiamsa Yagi, who is a professor of the Iwate University Department of Education in Japan. He is also the CEO of EWI (Experimental Workshop Iwate). His company develops the teaching equipment that will encourage the growth of science in schools and universities thoughtout the world. Use ABS pipe and a […]