Collin Cunningham, Author at Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers - Page 13 of 306

Latest from Collin Cunningham

Sweet sounds of the 8-bit Shruti-1

Sweet sounds of the 8-bit Shruti-1


Mobile music software developer Olivier Gillet recently turned his focus to hardware, founding the new Mutable Instruments brand. Mutable’s first...

Collin’s Lab: DIY Sci-fi


Inspired by last month’s DIY Movie Making theme, I present to you the above-seen piece of homegrown science fiction. While...

512 buttons of monome


Backlit-button-lovers of the world – behold the most massive monome yet. The “512” is a super limited production run from...

BlipBox touch-sensitive LED matrix


Pingdynasty’s BlipBox project combines two 5×8 LED matrices with a TO576S transparent touchscreen to create an interesting MIDI/OSC controller with visual...

More random than random()

More random than random()


The Arduino random() function can be used to easily generate a seemingly unpredictable series of numbers. The only problem is,...

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