Food & Beverage

The latest DIY ideas, techniques and tools for cooking, brewing, feasting and festing.

HOW TO – Urban Homestead Gardening

Instructables user shellberry made this how to on urban gardening. From the site: We’re turning the concrete jungle backyard of our townhome into an experiment in sustainable urban homesteading. Here’s how you can add some OCD (i.e. easy to maintain) gardening space using an adaption on Mel Bartholomew’s Square Foot Gardening practices (build up, don’t […]

Food Sculpture in the NYT

Mary Ellen points us to a lovely article in the New York Times about food sculpture, which has become so popular in the last few years that the Salon of Culinary Art has made a special category just for “produce art.” Check out the incredible slideshow including this scene of rats carved from taro root […]