
Micro FM Transmitter

Micro FM Transmitter

This circuit is commonly credited to Japanese multimedia artist Tetsuo Kogawa. It takes audio input through a 1/4″ phono jack and, constructed as shown, without the optional antenna connections, will broadcast an FM radio signal about 30 feet. This is the standard model of Mr. Kogawa’s simplest FM transmitter, which is slightly more complex than […]

Home Molecular Genetics

Home Molecular Genetics

Working directly with DNA isn’t only for the labs of CSI, agribusiness, and headline-grabbing research institutions. It’s basic chemistry, but it uses the molecules of life. You can even do it at home. This project explains how you can isolate and even “fingerprint” some of your own DNA.

The Trip-Cam

The Trip-Cam

The Trip-Cam is a trip-wire triggered spy- and security camera. Sweet!

Lensless Microscope

Lensless Microscope

Inside your webcam is an imager chip with thousands of sensors, each much smaller than a hair. Replace the lens with an LED, place a sample directly on the the chip, and you have a lensless microscope capable of streaming live video of plankton or other microorganisms to any display.