Adam Savage Geeks Out Over New Mobile Tool Caddy
Adam explains the design ideas behind his new tool racks and his concept of “First Order Retrieveabilty.”
Adam explains the design ideas behind his new tool racks and his concept of “First Order Retrieveabilty.”
In this Tested: One Day Build video, with Adam Savage and Will Smith, Adam decides to upgrade one of his Leatherman Wave cases with a belt-borne, one-finger-access clip holster. He decides to use a scrap piece of aluminum for the build. He also plans to upgrade his previous design of riveted leather straps for the […]
Adam Savage built his own Rasputin Mecha-Glove from the film Hellboy down to painstaking detail.
The total build consisted of almost every manufacturing method known to man and took almost 5-years to complete.
Riding in a metallic, fire-breathing dragon, Adam shared his observations and thoughts about a variety of topics while at Maker Faire.
Braving the somewhat precarious elevated stage of the crowd-favorite Life-Sized Mousetrap, Adam addressed the Maker Faire audience with bits of wisdom and jewels of experience.
Buster of myths, MAKE cover man, Maker Faire keynoter, Adam Savage is a busy man! So he needs an assistant for his workshop.
At Comic-Con each year, Mythbuster and Make-friend Adam Savage likes to dress up in a geeky costume and challenges fans to find him in the crowds. This year, his costume was an amazing recreation of Admiral Akbar from Star Wars, and over at Tested, they’re showing off how it was built.