Flashback: Kite Aerial Photography Puts Your Eye in the Sky
Build a Cuddly, Plush Companion Robot With Cute LED Ears
Retro-Futuristic LED Filament Ring
Turn Your House Into a Screen With Projection Mapping
Animatronic Singing Spirits: Building Musical Ghosts With Free Software
Hey Robot! Build Your Own AI Companion
Toy Inventor’s Notebook: Talking Zombie Needle-Felt Doll Maker
Bag to the Future: Sew a Trendy Messenger Bag With Light-Up LED Animations
Toy Inventor’s Notebook: Fun With Pop-Up Stamps
DIY Graffiti Projector
Ginormous Froebel Blocks
Build a DIY Digital Clock With Glowing, Flowing Light Pipes
This Zodiac Embroidery Lights Up
Sew Wearable Soft Speakers
ORB-sessed – LED Sphere
A Can Full of Tone