You can never have too much Star Wars. This year alone, we’ve seen dozens of projects related to The Force Awakens, and since this is the big weekend, we thought you should have access to all of them in one place. But why stop at just one movie? Make: has been covering Star Wars since our second issue. We present to you over 100 projects from the last 10 years.
- Our first ever star wars project: Issue 2, page 160: Howard Wen goes inside the R2-D2 Builders Group.
- Christmas tree ornaments: felt, acrylic (with LEDs), cigar tubes (with fiber optics), crochet, and more felt
- Gingerbread: Oh, let’s just throw all these Star Wars gingerbread houses together, shall we?
- Sourcing lightsaber parts
- AT-ST costume
- Another AT-ST costume
- AT-AT bed
- And one made out of snow, and another that’s not looking so hot.
- Drones based on the Millenium Falcon, the X-Wing, the Speeder Bike, the TIE Interceptor and TIE Fighter, and the Star Destroyer. Plus, this X-Wing, which is actually an R/C Plane, not a drone
- A Lego Star Destroyer that crashes and an X-Wing that doesn’t get smashed
- That X-Wing that crashed in someone’s front yard, the other one that was a bunk bed, and the coffee table version
- Giant Lightsabers, because even giants wield the force
- Senior Editor Caleb Kraft made an inflatable Death Star from a 12-foot beach ball
- A Death Star piñata, because we all want to smash it. You can destroy this Death Star bath bomb for soapy scents. Or just go ahead and eat the thing.
- Quikrete Death Star vases
- Several Death Star Clocks (Fig A, Fig B)
- One that levitates and one that’s the size of a house
- So many lightsabers: pool noodle lightsabers (Fig A, Fig B), 3D Printed lightsabers (Fig A, Fig B), those made on Lathes (Fig A, Fig B), ones that feature lasers, ones made from plumbing equipment, or made from pretty much anything. Plus, the don’t-try-this-at-home flamethrower version.
- Fan favorite BB-8 has been conceived as a ball balancing robot, a puppet, a Halloween pumpkin, another ball balancing robot, one that uses power wheels motors, a see-through version, and you can even eat this cupcake version. Yeah, Sphero released one you can buy, but you can also hack it like this.
- Shawn Thorsson created the definitive flametrooper helmet replica
- Not just Lego Star Wars, but incredibly detailed photo dioramas of Star Wars scenes done in Lego.
- Crocheted Death Star
- Darth Vader Cross Stitch
- Double-Knit Rebel/Imperial scarf
- Boba Fett bag
- Lightsaber coozie
- Knit Cloud City
- BB-8 hat
- Practice up on your Holochess Skills, but don’t challenge Chewie just yet
- Hey, maybe these huge helmets are for the same giants using those massive lightsabers
- 3D print your own AT-AT and equip it with a motor so it walks, or try one made from Lego
- There’s that secretive group building a 3D printed BB-8
- Tabletop Star Wars Gaming, both on Hoth and Endor
- Even if you’re not a fan of the prequels, stop for a moment and appreciate the practical effects. Then check out the practical effects from the originals, too.
- With all this Star Wars stuff, you’ll probably need a CNC’d AT-AT toybox to put it all in
- Get revenge on those Tusken Raiders by making them into cookies. And then make a sarlacc bundt cake and a wampa cake.
- That’s no moon! It’s a computer speaker
- Darth Vader wood burning stove from an old propane tank
- Because the only thing cuter than an Ewok is a baby Ewok, although baby Yoda has got to be up there too (toddler edition here)
- Use up those old toilet paper tubes
- Rock and roll, but mostly rock, with this speeder bike and this X-Wing
- This Millenium Falcon cockpit, complete with controls, or alternatively, this attempt to build the whole thing
- This rancor suit is the most realistic Star Wars cosplay ever
- Etch your own Star Wars drinking glasses
- Wear the super weapon on your finger
- Droid shoes because R2-D2 and C-3PO make a good pair (for R2 superfans, there’s the double R2-D2)
- Dance under the flashing light of a Death Star disco ball
- This 38″ illuminated paper Millenium Falcon took four years to build, and this cardboard one took more than 140 hours
- Luke wasn’t the only one to get a high-tech prosthetic arm
- Bonus points if you enclose movie tickets in these Star Wars Valentines
- Star Wars scenes in felt
- Star Wars woodcuts
- Mmmm, a Millenium Falcon pie
- Yoda and Vader as paper quilled art
- Cosplay: Boba Fett’s jetpack, full cardboard Stormtrooper, Jimmy DiResta’s Stormtrooper helmet, and that time Adam Savage went to Comic-Con as Admiral Akbar
- Pour me another, R2-Beer2
- This artful AT-AT was made from old skateboards (and there’s a helmet from sneakers to go with it)
- This Darth Vader that melts in your mouth
- See if Jabba will give you the bounty for this life-sized Han in carbonite
- Teach your newborn to recognize the planets in a galaxy far, far away — or at least the spaceships there
- Crochet a tauntaun, some TIE fighters, and a Yoda coffee cup cozy
- The whole saga told in cross stitch (or you can skip straight to the big showdown). Plus, A New Hope in classic red and blue.
- Repurpose the sheets from your childhood as a Star Wars dress
- It’s a trap! A mouse trap.
- Come to the dark side (with this Luke/Vader light switch)
- Oh, forgot one Millenium Falcon gingerbread house
- Jabba the Purse
- That’s no moon, it’s a pumpkin
- Relax in the embrace of a Stormtrooper deck chair
- Watch a timelapse of a 3D printed Yoda head
- Poor little R2 rain barrel unit
- Recreate Leia’s Hologram
- A Star Wars themed nursery and baby announcement
- Gonk droid, envisioned as an Ikea Hack or as a phone charger
- Han soldered first
- Death Star Dresses (Fig A, Fig B)
- Bonnie Burton wrote a whole book on Star Wars crafts. (Listen to an interview with Burton here.)
- This guy tried to build a full-scale AT-AT
- Vader’s never been so sweet
- We found some DIY “Sweded” Star Wars trailers
- Rock the parsecs away with this Millenium Falcon guitar
- R2-S2, I-Wei Huang’s steam-powered R2-D2