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1161 - 1180 of 1304 results

Author: Kathy Ceceri

Kathy's superpower is creating low-tech robotics and engineering projects that really work using ordinary everyday stuff. Her titles for Maker Media include Musical Inventions, Fabric Inventions, Edible Inventions, Paper Inventions, and Making Simple Robots. When she's not busy writing, Kathy presents workshops for students and educators at schools, museums, libraries,...

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Author: wpengine

This is the "wpengine" admin user that our staff uses to gain access to your admin area to provide support and troubleshooting. It can only be accessed by a button in our secure log that auto generates a password and dumps that password after the staff member has logged in....

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Ping Pong Ball Printer


Do away with all that flat print media. Sphere’s are where it’s at! Though I’m guessing it will be a...

MAKE Flickr pool weekly roundup

MAKE Flickr pool weekly roundup


It’s been a busy week filled with excellent photos of your projects. Thanks for sharing! We’ll have a MAKE Flickr...

Red Eye Rice Treats


Coffee lovers, take note: Celine from Have Cake, Will Travel shares her delicious-sounding recipe for Red Eye Rice Treats, a...

Office supply trebuchet

Office supply trebuchet


From the MAKE Flickr pool, a desktop trebuchet made from coffee stirring sticks, paper clips, string, zip ties, etc. Office...

Ring Roundup


Phil @ MAKE just did an awesome ring roundup post this weekend, including these nut and bolt wedding rings. Link....

Brass knuckle cup & purse

Brass knuckle cup & purse


Very nice looking brass knuckle coffee cup, nice (re)make potential – [via] Link. Related: Peacekeeper handbag – Link.

Bug stickers in your stocking

Bug stickers in your stocking


Evil Mad Scientist Labs have put up a gift guide to their offerings, basically their LED Readerboards, the amazing LED...

KnitKnit Reading at ImagiKnit


I popped over to ImagiKnit, one of my favorite yarn stores in San Francisco, on Wednesday night to see Sabrina...

Interactive LED table

Interactive LED table


Steve writes in – I purchased one of the Interactive LED Table kits from Evil Mad Scientist and built a...

Book Yourself

Book Yourself


Innovative options enable you to publish your own text and pictures.

IKEA gaming table

IKEA gaming table


Eric Gradman, who brought us the awesome Trash 80 bluetooth “prank,” has posted a Flickr set for his cool MAME...

Stitch Austin is Tomorrow


If you’re anywhere near Austin tomorrow, be sure to head to the convention center to check out the 5th annual...

Craft Biz Q+A: Queen Puff Puff


This week’s interviewee is Nicole Vasbinder of Queen Puff Puff. Nicole’s super-colorful booth is a fixture on the craft show...

1161 - 1180 of 1304 results

Escape to an island of imagination + innovation as Maker Faire Bay Area returns for its 16th iteration!

Prices Increase in....
